Holiday apartment


Amazing location
Guests appreciate the location of this property.
Guests love this home
With an outstanding average rating of 9.6.
Great value for money
Guests have rated this accommodation as especially budget-friendly.

This is a good deal. This property is great value for money

  • No pets allowed
  • 4 People
  • WiFi
  • Entire holiday apartment

What this place offers you


Sleeping arrangements

Double bed

Here you go on vacation

House rules

  • Check-in and check-out times will be communicated after booking
  • Pets not allowed
  • Smoking not allowed

Property Manager

Maxity Deutschland GmbH

Look forward to your vacation in the accomodations of our specially verified partner Maxity Deutschland GmbH
Average rating
Instant booking confirmation

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You can find answers to frequently asked questions here.
Holidu ID: 54008386

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